cephalexin for dogs : can be useful to help treat infections of the skin, respiratory tract, and urinary tract !

cephalexin for dogs : useful antibiotics

 today we're going to be talking about antibiotics.  So antibiotics. As a breeder, antibiotics is something you're going to always want to have on standby because you never know what late night emergencies you may have or whatever the case may be that's going to cause you to need these antibiotics rather than waiting on the vet as well as, I mean, going to the vet every time you would need antibiotics, especially if you have a bunch of dogs, can be very costly. So it is something you buy and use when times get tough

So I'm not a vet. I would say any advice that we give, you know, take that up with your vet. Ask your vet. I'm just showing you guys what we do and what we use. So that's just a quick disclaimer. So what you're going to want to have your antibiotics on standby for is, you know, they treat a wide array of spectrum of problems. You know, bacterial infections, skin infections, utis, respiratory infections, the list goes on. So you would get something like this from your vet. You know, this is an amoxicillin. You know, you can only get this with a prescription, you know, so what we use that has allowed us to save a lot of money, a lot of time and a lot of headache has been these two right here, fish mox and fish flex. Now what these are in comparison to say something like this that you would get from your vet is this is amoxicillin for dogs and this is amoxicillin for fish. I mean, I really think that they probably come out of the same labs. If you get amoxicillin for fish, you do not need a prescription. You get it for dogs, you need a prescription. 

Now as I said, you know, I'm not a vet and these are not FDA approved, you know, but I'm willing to bet that they come out of the same laboratories. So I've been using these for years. I've never had an issue. But, you know, this is what I've used and has saved us a lot of time, a lot of money. And like I said, they have. This one's from Thomas Labs fish mox. This is a moxicillin and this one here is from Thomas Labs fish flex. This is cephalexin. And like I said, these are for fish. Now like I said, this is, this is a major, huge gem. I haven't really seen too many breeders, you know, giving this information, this kind of information out. 

But as I said, you know, you can get these guys, and this is a 250 milligrams. They even have one, I believe that's like a penicillin. So I encourage you guys to do, you know, more of your own homework on this. Definitely, you know, and see if this is ideal for, you know, your programs. And as a bonus, if you guys want drop a comment saying send me the chart and I can send you guys a breakdown of the dosages that we use yet again, I would, you know, take this up with your vets. You know, I am not a vet, but I can just show you. We've been using for years now that has been working successfully for us. So like I said, if you guys want drop a comment down below saying send me the chart. But other than that, you know, definitely, I would suggest you guys do your own homework on this. And I hope this has been helpful. Like I said, hope it helps you guys save a lot of money, save a lot of time, and save your dogs. See you guys on the next episode of breeders hacks.

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